Thursday, August 13, 2009

I miss Daddy and Mummy

Daddy is now in Brunei. He has set sail for MSTD since 7 Aug.

Daddy has always been the one who dresses me in pyjamas after my shower and thereafter he will tuck me nicely into bed, pat me with his hugh warm hands and humming the lullaby. I miss Daddy very much and I expressed my sadness to Mummy. I know Mummy also misses Daddy but she kept it well in her heart as she pacifies me at night during shower and bed time. It did not take Daddy off my mind. I don't know why but I could not sleep well the first few nights that Daddy was away. I just kept crying and crying on bed. Mummy had a hard time comforting me. I remembered there was one night that Mummy struggled with me till 1+ in the morning before I finally exhausted my energy.

Mummy is thankful for Jiu Jiu's presence while Daddy is away as he helped to keep me occupied so that Mummy can get the night routine done with ease.

Mummy was away for a 2 day course yesterday and today.
"I thought she's supposed to be on maternity leave to keep me company?!?"

I was left under the care of Gong Gong and Auntie Nur. Things were pretty much the same during the day (sleep, wake up, play, drink milk, cry, sleep again.. and the cycle continues). I was very happy to see Mummy when she got home and I hugged her as she cuddled me before bringing me out. I love the evening walk as this is the uninterrupted 'Mummy-and-Baby' time. Mummy will tell me stories and describes the things that happen around us, sings and dances around as we stroll around the estate.

I look forward to Daddy's home coming, then we can have a family walk together.

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