Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sundown Marathon (30 May 09)

30 May was Addidas Sundaown Marathon, and Daddy had signed up for the 84km run (2x normal marathon fo 42km). Long before I was borned, Daddy was quite determined that he will try to complete the distance, but after a series of night watches and all those long afternoons of keeping Mummy company, he has no time to keep up with his training. So sorry Daddy, that you have to forsake your challenge of 84km. Well, nevertheless, Daddy completed the 42km route with Uncle Matthew. Though Daddy was 4min off his personal record of 6h, he enjoyed the run very much. I guess much credit comes from me =) Daddy said there were times during the run, when he will think of me and started to smile to himself. I'm you motivation Daddy!!!

Daddy booked a room at Changi Hotel that day. The initial plan was for Mummy and myself to retreat for the night in the comfort of the hotel room, but Mummy worried that she will not be able to handle me alone, even with the help from Auntie Pat, who offered to bunk in to keep us company.

Mummy decided to sleep over at Yi Yi's place instead. Yi Yi gave up her bed for Mummy and myself, and also wiped my body so that I can sleep more comfortably. Oh, Yi Yi managed to borrow 2 BIG BIG crayons from Khim cheh cheh and Zach gor gor for me to use as bosters.

Khim cheh cheh claimed that she couldnt't sleep and offered to look after me so that Mummy and Yi Yi can rest, but she didn't keep her words!!! She was tucked nicely under the blanket while Mummy fed me at 3plus. Yi Yi took over, cuddled and patted me to sleep after that. Mummy praised me for being such a darling that night. As such, we even spent the entire Sunday at Yi Yi's place, leaving only at 9pm.

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